Best Vehicle Maintenance Practices in Hinterland


Buying a car for the first time is an exciting experience, irrespective of whether it's brand new or used! However, the responsibility of owning a car is much more elaborate. The hardest part is maintaining the car so that it runs for more years to come without adding extra expenses. Every time the key is turned to put the vehicle into the ignition, the internal components undergo wear and tear. This can lead to damages that can become substantial if not rectified soon enough, leading you to conduct repairs that can otherwise be avoided with the right vehicle maintenance in the hinterland.


Hence it is essential to put your car under inspection from time to time, but before doing so follow these practices to stay updated with the type of car maintenance you require.

Checking the Tires

This is the easiest method of ensuring a car's safety level. The approved pressure level for the tires is mentioned in the manual or can be acquired from the manufacturer. The ideal gap for rotating the tires is between 5000 to 10,000 miles. 

Changing the Oil

Three primary functions of vehicular oil concerning the engine;

  • Slows down friction buildup.
  • Prevents the engine from overheating.
  • Clears dirt and debris buildup.

There are generally two types of engine oil; synthetic and conventional. Both oils need to be checked. The regularity of the check-up would be mentioned in the manual.

Keeping Fluids in Check

To ensure the vehicle runs as smoothly as possible, it is important to check the state of all functional fluids including brake fluids, transmission fluid, windshield washer fluid and coolant.

Changing the Timing Belt

The timing belt is yet another essential component of your car which aligns the movements of the valves and pistons. If you begin to observe any of these issues;

  • Clicking noises in the engine.
  • Leaking oil.
  • Misfiring Engine.

Then perhaps it is time to get the timing belt checked.

Replacing the Filters

There are a handful of filters that may need replacing from time to time. Some of them might have specific functions to perform while others are meant to conduct general cleaning of dirt and debris from their respective components. 

·         Air Filter: This filter clears out the air which is being utilized by the engine. It can be cleaned manually but after 12000 miles it will require replacing.

·         Oil Filter: Keeps waste material and pollutants clear from oil. Regularly changing the oil filter will keep the engine running smoothly.

·       Fuel Filter: Prevents dirt particles from invading the car's fuel chamber. A vehicle owner needs to pay close attention to their fuel filter as it tends to get clogged.

Replacing Corroded Battery

Batteries are not meant to last forever. They can typically run for 3 to 5 years depending on the manufacturer. Corrosion can occur due to high heat during summers or if the battery remains unused for a considerable amount of time. However, baking soda can be used to remove early signs of corrosion from the sides of the battery. Either way, the best course of action would be to get the battery replaced.

Repairing the Braking System

Brakes should never be allowed to fail. Therefore get an expert to do the following;

  • Check or replace brake pads and rotators.
  • Flush the brake fluid.
  • Bleed the brake lines.

A burning smell or squeaky sound emitting from the brakes is an indication that you need an automotive brake repair service in the hinterland.

Cleaning the Car

The most essential practice of all is keeping all surface areas of the car clean. This prevents the harmful effects of salts and chemicals which the vehicle comes in contact with. Ideally, a car should be cleaned at least 3 to 4 times a month.

The more time invested in adequately maintaining a car, the longer the car would last while costing less in maintenance expenditure. In the end, vehicle owners will not need to inspect their cars on their own. They can simply conduct a full car inspection from time to time to check if any of the components require attention.


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